Medieval History through Literature

From: $85.00 / month for 8 months

Grades:  6th–7th

Class:  Wed 1:00–2:00 p.m. ET

Dates:  Aug 25, 2025–May 8, 2026

Prepaid:  $599

Instructor:  Beverly Graybill

See Reviews of Instructor Bev Graybill


Course Description

View Syllabus

View Book List

This literature-based history course adds historical fiction to an engaging middle school history text, covering the fall of Rome to about 1750 in world history.

Students will:

  • Learn about famous people, places, and events from about 500 to 1750 CE, including the fall of Rome; the rise and spread of Islam; West African empires; China and Japan; early Middle Ages; Late Middle Ages; the Renaissance; the Reformation; the Scientific Revolution; the Americas; the Age of Exploration; and the Enlightenment and Revolution.
  • Learn new words in context related to history and geography.
  • Improve their understanding of maps and world geography as empires drastically changed through time.
  • Compare and contrast historical events and nations.

Course Structure

Students will have readings in the text and activities posted in Canvas each week to review the material, including a review exercise at the end of each week. During class, reader’s theater type plays, simulations, and review games will reinforce the materials studied each week. Students will have opportunity to share specific things they have learned from their own readings as well as sharing their projects.

Course Assignments will include:

  • Readings in the text including review questions; history reviews in Canvas.
  • Various worksheet type activities posted in Canvas to review the material read.
  • Optional: read historical fiction, nonfiction, or biographies related to the topics being studied.
  • Research and complete several projects: Medieval Asia; European Middle Ages; Early Americas (Mayans, Aztecs, or Incas); and Revolutions of the 1700s & 1800s.

Who should enroll?

All 6th and 7th graders are welcome.

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Headset and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
  • Microsoft Word and Power Point are very helpful. If a different word processing program is used, students will need to save or export documents to a pdf.

Evaluation and Feedback

All exercises in Canvas will be graded and averaged for a final grade. Tests will be assigned, but the parent can decide if they will be taken as a traditional test (closed-book), or completed as a review (open-book). Projects will receive additional feedback so that improvements can be made along the way.


Parents are welcome to contact me with any questions before registering their student. Once I know a student has registered, the family will receive a welcome packet with additional information about the course. I will contact parents if there is a concern with students not keeping up with the work or frequently turning in late assignments.

Required Texts

Required text:

Medieval to Early Modern Times (World History) Student Edition Holt ISBN: 978-0030733994

(Please note that the text is the California edition, however, it is used in all other states. There are more of these available for more reasonable prices.)

Additional books (one from each of six categories) are also required. Students may choose their books from this approved book list.


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Instructor Bio

Bev Graybill

Bev has known since she was in elementary school she’d become a teacher, having taught her one-year-younger brother everything she knew! After attending Millersville University and earning a B.S. in Special Education, a M.S. in Elementary Education, and a Reading Certificate, she taught for several years in both public and private schools and then left the world of teaching to start her own family.  From there, she discovered the amazing world of home schooling, teaching all of her four children for at least some of their years of school and teaching for more than 20 years at several different co-ops. Contact: bgraybill[at]


All classes taught by Bev Graybill